Our Guides

Coffee grounds brewing in a French Press
How to Brew Coffee with a French Press
A French Press is a staple in most kitchens. It allows for more control over the brewing process, resulting in a rich, full-bodied cup of coffee. You'll find a French Press almost anywhere and you can get a reliable cup of coffee from it with ease.
Coffee grounds brewing in Chemex
How to Brew Coffee with a Chemex
Brewing with an Chemex is my most used method for brewing my daily coffee. It allows me to make multiple cups easily and with a great taste profile.
Coffee grounds brewing in aeropress
How to Brew Coffee with an Aeropress
Brewing with an aeropress is one of my favourite ways to brew my coffee. The portability, ease of use and the quality of the cup you can get from it makes it a versatile piece of equipment that you need in your setup.
Coffee beans in hands
How to Store Your Coffee to Keep it Fresh
If you're spending money on fresh coffee beans, it's important to make sure you're storing them correctly to extend their lifespan. Here's what to do and what to avoid to keep your coffee fresh and tasting the best.